The NEST 2021 registration process has been extended to July 15, 2021, till 11.55 pm. Besides, after the registrations are closed, the NEST 2021 admit card will also be released on August 4, 2021, onward. Essentially, one must plan to cover subject-wise preparation for the exam well ahead of time to dedicate the last 10 days to extensive revision and practice.
The National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) is conducted for admission to the 5-year-integrated MSc program at the National Institute of Science Education and Research (Bhubaneswar) and the University of Mumbai’s Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CEBS). The NEST 2021 is scheduled to be held on August 14, 2021, and aspirants must start investing time in preparations for the national-level test.
The NEST 2021 registration process has been extended to July 15, 2021, till 11.55 pm. Besides, after the registrations are closed, the NEST 2021 admit card will also be released on August 4, 2021, onward. Essentially, one must plan to cover subject-wise preparation for the exam well ahead of time to dedicate the last 10 days to extensive revision and practice.
Candidates must align their study plan with the NEST 2021 syllabus to ensure that nothing has been left out. The NEST syllabus is based on the NCERT/CBSE class 12 Science subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. A total of 50 questions are asked from each subject, leading to 200 objective-type questions. Candidates must divide the syllabus into smaller sub-topics and arrange them in the study plan in such a way that preparations for all subjects are completed leaving enough time for last-minute revisions.
One of the most important learning resources to collect for the exam is NEST previous year papers. Question papers of the last few years can effectively help in understanding the type and nature of questions asked in the exam. Furthermore, candidates will also be able to identify high marks yielding topics. When question papers are referred to in conjunction with the corresponding years’ NEST answer key, candidates can easily check the correct solution to important questions asked in previous iterations of the exam.
Applicants must have a sound understanding of important scientific concepts, theories, laws, formulas, etc as per the class 12 level. This is one of the most fundamental things to get right when preparing for the NEST exam and helps to get through if tricky and conceptual questions are asked in the exam.
To clear out any confusion in the understanding of fundamental scientific concepts, NEST aspirants can refer to the NCERT textbooks and class notes for a better understanding. At the class 12 level, fundamental concepts of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics are included in the syllabus and can also be understood through other online learning videos and study materials available freely over the internet. Candidates must put available resources to the best use to prepare for the exam.
The NEST 2021 result was earlier tentatively scheduled to be released in June but with the exam date postponed to August, candidates can expect the result to be released in September/October 2021. Those who aspire to make it to the merit lists for admission to the Integrated MSc degree must also adopt some smart practice strategies such as solving mock tests. This can help in developing a personal strategy to solve the question paper within the given duration. Time management is an essential success factor and it must be practiced before appearing in the actual exam.
Candidates must generously use short notes to write down important facts, figures, formulas, theories, and other scientific concepts from textbooks while preparing for the NEST exam. Not only will this help students to memorize studied topics better, but the short notes can be easily referred to as revision notes during the last few days.